Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Purpose Worth Dying For.

I sure hope this blog isn't like many other endeavors I've started and moved on from, completely unfinished, mostly because I have the attention span of a squirrel after a can of energy drink. So I'm praying this works :)

Having said that, my intention for this blog is to chart and record my journey through the last few months of college and beyond: the journey of a college student, of a boy trying to become a man, of someone who is trying to make a relationship with Jesus real, relevant, and important. So, this blog will probably seem scatter-brained, discombobulated, convoluted, and confusing at times, which might be a direct reflection of the author. However, I hope it's also real. I hope it's a pick-me-up for someone who starts the day by spilling coffee down their front, gets a speeding ticket, and gets fired all in one day. I hope it's something that people can laugh at. I hope it's something that people read and walk away feeling challenged, possibly refreshed, or maybe even uneasy, but I ultimately hope this blog is a blessing to someone like me: a person simply wanting to be "after God's own heart" and daily learning what that actually looks like.

The Mark Bible study that I'm leading was looking at the first chapter, where it discusses the life (and death) of John the Baptist. What'd I take from looking at John? Jesus. From what it seemed, every part of John's life pointed to Jesus. Whether it was the locusts he was munching on or his stench due to his inclination to ignore taking a bath and instead preach the good news of Jesus, everything about him said "I am not the greatest--I am only showing you the One who is." Oh, and then he got his head chopped off. Everything he does is to roll out the red carpet for Jesus.

So I got to thinking, and it still somewhat disturbs me. Would I eat locusts and honey for Jesus? I wear rags for Jesus? Would I literally lose my head for Jesus? I'll even back down from the "extreme" questions: Would I not go to medical school if Jesus asked? If I was trapped on an island with Jesus, would that be okay? Or would I need Sportscenter in the morning and my favorite salt and vinegar Pringles in the afternoon to be happy?

It sounds silly to be trapped on an island with Jesus and not pay attention to Him, but that's what I do a lot of days. I go through the motions, acting as if the most important thing I am doing and preparing the way for is...well, myself. The only red carpet I roll out is my own, so at the end of the day I have a silly, silly notion that my life I live is my own.

Absolutely not. I pray right now and always that He reminds me of the purpose of my life, of every breath I take in day, of me. I pray that I can learn to be a John: willing to suffer for Him, taking all praise and adoration directed towards me and aim it to the One who deserves it, and knowing that this whole life is about none other than choosing into a relationship with the Creator of heaven and Earth. I pray that I may decrease so He may increase.


1 comment:

  1. Should you need any more encouragement, I'll be keeping up with this blog so don't let it die! I thank God for your heart, Brendan.
