I slip on the mask.
I'm not talking about the green, creepy thing from the aptly-titled movie, "The Mask" starring Jim Carrey. If you've seen the movie, you know that mask turned Jim Carrey into a mischievous, crazy-antic inclined man. The mask that I put on, the mask which allows me to hold up my carefully-constructed reputation and honor, is a mask of a much more deceitful and dangerous form.
It is the mask of Inauthenticity.
Surely, those who think of me as a God-seeking man don't want to see that I'm struggling--that means I'm clearly weak, right? And I surely can't let an ounce of doubt show, because if I do, the people who are supporting me financially for next year with InterVarsity at Creighton will think that I'm spiritually weak, and undeserved of their hard-earned money. And heck, why would I want to share my struggles with my friends and family--they already have enough to worry about.
So the Oscar for the Best He's-got-it-all-together Actor award goes to (drumroll please)...... me. I act out my Christian faith when I don't feel like I have an ounce of faith in my body. As God screams to me "Please!!!! I just want to spend 5 minutes with the real Brendan, not the Brendan who feels obligated to read the Bible," I fill my time with other things, thinking that surely my mask, that good ol' trusty mask, will help me cover the ugliness of me.
I post a meaningful Bible verse on Twitter and Facebook that I hope inspires others...while at the same time not letting it get anywhere near my heart. I tell others about the importance of praying for mission trips, campus events, and conversations with friends...while I go several days without praying for anything but the Hot Pocket for lunch. I teach a Bible study about truly following Jesus, just as Peter did...while I repeatedly choose to make other things of this world lord of my life instead of letting the Lord of Lords take control.
For the past year, I've felt like God has been throwing that word at me. As I've tried to understand why God wants me to focus on that, I've assumed it's been for those around me. I figured God wanted my friends who praise Jesus on Sundays and got drunk the night before to learn the meaning of authenticity. I figured God wanted my friends, the ones who could spit Bible verses out like fire but also told dirty jokes, to realize the importance of authenticity.
And I, while wearing my mask, was supposed to make them aware of how inauthentic they were.
Here's the thing about God and masks: He is not a fan.
Jesus says in John 14:15, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." There it is. None of "If you love me, you will make everyone else believe that you are following my commandments," or "If you pretend to love me in public, even if you don't keep my commandments in private, at least others see God through you...so that's good, I guess?"
God has never, and will never, want a fake me or a fake you. Which is exactly why I'm writing this. This is a frustration post, and in all honesty, the next 3 or 4 blog posts will probably be about authenticity, because being inauthentic is the thing that I hate most in myself. I'm tired of it.
I'm tired of going through the motions, I'm tired of saying "Welp, I tried to pray," I'm tired of professing my belief in authenticity when I haven't started treading that path yet myself. My hope is that one or two people reading this feels the same way.
So...the first step in recovery is acknowledging that there is a problem. Oh, and there is definitely a problem. The second through the 54th step is going to God, who is the best Counselor possible.
Now, I'm going to go read the Bible. For real.
Brendan, thank you for writing this. All too often I feel the same exact way. I feel like I'm the friend who answers the phone, only wants a quick conversation, and can't wait to get back to what I was doing before.
ReplyDeletePraise God for his grace and patience with His children, eh?